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How Are The Steelers Ranked Ahead of Us?
The ONLY thing that the Stinkers have over the Bengals is a psychological edge. Overall talent of the Bengals is surpassing the Stinkers enough to not even be an issue.

Stinkers coaching may be ahead of Bengals because of their conniving ways, and because our coaching staff, as far as strategic implementation when it matters, is sub-par. As with the players, the coaches have yet to master neutralizing the "Jedi-Mind-Tricking" of the Stinkers.

You'd think, based on most Bengals players and coaches coming from winning programs, they'd have no problem with not being sucked into the garbage that is offered by the Stinkers. In 2016, it has already started, with their running back, Mr. Williams, making comments about how we messed up their chances of winning it all. ... and the person of whom should have learned by now, not to get sucked into the mess again, Burfict, has been sucked in once again.

Basically, the Stinkers KNOW that they are outmatched with regard to talent, and so they depend on psychological tactics that obviously have been working for them. As soon as the Bengals mature emotionally and stop being hypnotized by the Stinkers' past, brand, and rhetoric, they will have absolutely no problem ending the controversy with a good season of beatings and thrashings. They should be neutral in their emotional attachment to Dippsburgh. ... because as long as your eyes and emotions are set on the Dippsburgh Stinkers, your focus is far off of the prize of winning it all.

Leather Face has spoken.

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RE: How Are The Steelers Ranked Ahead of Us? - Leather Face - 05-24-2016, 09:16 AM

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