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Good Article From Current Player on Drug Use
3 of my closest friends from the Marine Corps got hurt serving. One was a child hood friend. When i got back and saw the drugs the VA was throwing at him i couldnt believe it. They had him hooked big time. Out of the three. His injuries were the worst. The shock trauma medical center in baltimore that put him back together called him the million dollar man because that is what it took to fix him. A few years down the road when he didnt need a wheel chair anymore and he realized how hooked he was on opiates he finally told the VA to piss off after failing a drug test for weed. Rather than get free drugs from the government he treated the pain himself skirting the law and smoking weed. He said that was all he needed.

The other two stayed addicted. And obviously these opiate addictions grow over time as tolerance goes up. Combined with the PTSD the VA just giving them crazy amounts of opiates couldnt have done them any good. One went missing for over a month and was found dead in a drainage ditch. The other hung himself about a year later. And i guarantee being addicted to powerful physically addictive drugs didnt do them any good. If weed was legal i think there is a strong chance my two friends would still be alive.

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RE: Good Article From Current Player on Drug Use - NATI BENGALS - 05-31-2016, 12:12 AM

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