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Race, culture and assimilation
(06-12-2016, 10:27 AM)GMDino Wrote: There have been multiple threads and posts about how foreigners need to stay in their own country because their culture is too different from ours or that they refuse to assimilate properly.

While I am of the mind that proper assimilation also includes some absorbing of the new culture by the new country I posed a question in a thread that I would like to see the feeling on of the folks in here.

Would you like to see just an all white / Christian culture in America?  Seriously.  An American where foreigners are kept out because of their culture and / or race.

Serious answers please.

Since this is your opinion I will forgive you for having it and can actually respect this view of yours.  WTS however, I completely disagree.  The native people of a country should not be forced to accept any of the foreigner's culture.  That doesn't mean that they can't if they want to, but there is nothing wrong with not absorbing any of the culture of the new people.

To answer your question, and this may surprise some, but I don't want an all white Christian culture in America.  What I do want is to be able to freely associate with people of my own choosing.  I would also like to see other races succeed. However, I have seen non whites lie to protect each other.  I saw this in elementary, middle and high school.  I witnessed this in the Army and every job I have worked.  So I have learned through experience that non whites don't have my best interest in mind and only will side with me if they think it will benefit them.  I feel that I should be able to associate with others whose interest lie with my own.

Now onto Muslims.  Look, I don't hate, nor fear Muslims.  I have visited Turkey and Dubai and been to Kuwait and Iraq and Afghanistan.  I have met some really nice and awesome people.  However I know that some of those people that I have met wouldn't hesitate to kill me and my family.  For this, I am cautious about bringing in a huge number of people that practice this religion.  I don't see the value in bringing in someone whose ideology is so diametrically opposed to my own.  It is one thing to go visit in these countries (with their permission) and embrace their customs and culture while there, but it is another to bring in 1000 to move into my neighborhood in which they decide to set up speakers so they can have their call to prayer.

I didn't complain about the call when I was in their country.  Why should I?  I am in their country.  Yet this is my country and to think I should change my culture to accommodate them is insulting.  I expect them to be just as embracing of my customs and culture when they come to my country.

I even say the same thing about Mexicans.  If Mexico is so great, then why leave it?  Don't come to the US and burn our flag and attack our people while waving the Mexican flag while holding signs that say "Make America, Mexico again".  For then you aren't an immigrant looking to better yourself, you aren't a refugee fleeing from a bad situation.  No you are an invader and you should be treated as such.  I would never dream of going to Mexico and doing those things in that country, and the government wouldn't tolerate me doing them either.

If I flee the country and move to another, I know that the constitution would no longer apply to me and that I would be wrong for demanding whichever country I fled to change their government and policies to accommodate me.  It would be wrong to burn their flag and wave the US flag and attack the police, just because I didn't like what one of their politicians had to say.

I actually believe that this country is big enough for different zones.  Have your all white areas, your all black areas, all hispanic areas, all asian areas and so on.  You can even have your multicultural areas that have the mixtures of the races.  People should be free to travel through these zones as well.  Meaning a black person can travel through the white area, but the black person should not be able to force his way into living in that area.  If he wants to live around whites, then there will be places that he could move to.  If whites want to live near him then they will do so.  As long as we are all UNITED in one cause, and that is to defend our freedoms and our sovereignty from any force that would seek to destroy it, we should be able to do that without forcing people to integrate.

This is an honest response from me.  I am sure some will just TL;DR and say "Racist, White Supremacist", however it is my opinion and I am free to have it even if others disagree with it.

Messages In This Thread
Race, culture and assimilation - GMDino - 06-12-2016, 10:27 AM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-12-2016, 05:13 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-12-2016, 05:38 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-12-2016, 05:47 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-12-2016, 06:08 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - Sovereign Nation - 06-12-2016, 11:00 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 12:45 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 08:38 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 10:30 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 11:18 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 10:50 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-13-2016, 11:41 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - jason - 06-14-2016, 11:16 PM
RE: Race, culture and assimilation - xxlt - 06-15-2016, 08:53 AM

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