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Oh Germany.... You're doing it wrong
(06-12-2016, 03:19 PM)Benton Wrote: Western values like Georgians'?


Sound more like a case of white people good, brown people bad... Even when they act the same.

(06-12-2016, 07:03 PM)Benton Wrote: I said Muslim, you made it racial. Do you see Muslims as a racial issue? I'm not following otherwise.

As far as the age of the article, first google seaech
. Honestly it came up second, the first being a teen who married her 37 year old teacher. But anyway, as I said, I'm not posting a lot of links on my phone, but there are plenty of stories out there. You're deluded if you think young teens dont marry people much older than them here as white and sometimes Christian people.

If you want the thread to be about immigration, go for it. That's not what you did here. What you did here was make a thread condemning people for the exact same practice that's legal and happens here. So if anything, you've shown there's not much difference in there culture and ours. Was that your aim? If not, you missed.

Actually you often go to the well of painting this as a anti brown thing.   

I just can't stand anyone who comes here illegally.   It's hard enough to go through the legal immigration process to just watch these people waltz on in because they supposedly have it bad.   They walk in with their child brides, oppressed women, lack of knowledge of western culture.    They don't deserve to be here ahead of anyone who tries to do it the legal way.    

This goes for any illegal immigrant.  We have a process they can apply.   There is a green card lottery they put in for .... Like many have done for years hoping to be chosen.  

As for the guy raping his 11 year old cousin/wife.   I don't want anyone like this here it's bad enough we have our own batch of them.   These is no reason to add sexual abusers to the population.  Send them back 

We can't deport citizens but we can sure a heck stop immigrated from entering that partake in child rape.   And the last I checked we do a decent job of hitting these perverts here.... Although I wish we had stiffer punishments.   

Posting stories like this is a reminder why we need a tough immigration policy and not let in any migrants.  It's already bad enough with all the illegals here already.  Europe is suffering. 

Immigrants are good for the country but they need to be legal and at least want to follow the laws.   

Messages In This Thread
RE: Oh Germany.... You're doing it wrong - StLucieBengal - 06-13-2016, 02:11 AM

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