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Remember The Judge That Screwed My Family?
(06-14-2016, 01:22 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Should say "please enlighten ME because I started threads about it on the old board that had lots of responses, and people even brought it up in unrelated threads, so I'm pretty sure most other people remember it.


This judge had known all three of us for years.  I had been in his house.  I started over his son in football.  His daughter took care of me when I was drunk one night.  He saw all three of us the day of the wreck.  

Other factors show that he had no business ruling on the trial or even being a part of it.

Furthermore, he ruled that the driver's parents had no way of knowing that he would drink, even though they had caught him drinking in the cemetery before, or drive a car to the cemetery, even though he had driven with his father back in the cemetery before, and related it to a kid's parents being unable to foresee that he would bring a gun to school and shoot his classmates.

Had he ever brought a gun to school before?  Had he ever been violent at school?  If not, how could those two situations be related in terms of the parents foreseeing their actions?

Not sure about the details of the case, but if what you're saying is true and he knew you and other principles involved personally he should have definitely recused himself. 

Quote:So, if this guy happened to be 25 or 30, a 25-year prison sentence would be justified?

More justified, yes.  A person's brain isn't fully matured until their mid twenties.  As previously stated, a criminal history would also be a huge determining factor.

Quote:Look at the factors I mentioned with her being impacted for the rest of her life and explain why he should get off that light just because he's 18.

Dude, get off your high horse.  I deal with victims of crime almost every day of my life.  I understand far better than you what this entails.  I'm pointing out that 25 years is a significant amount of time for a first time adult offense.  I've seen negligent manslaughter cases get far less time.  You think the dead person wasn't impacted?

Quote:I guess I should have expected this kind of response from someone who cheers for a rapist (don't say you don't cheer for him because he's the center of the team, so, by cheering for the team, you cheer for him).

Ahaha, you're such a tool.  I've worked my ass off only to watch a man who robbed and beat an old lady to near death get off with a slap on the wrist.  I've seen real injustice in many forms, this isn't one of those times.  This guy is a POS and he's going to prison for a long time.  Go back to watching law and order and thinking you know a damn thing about the criminal justice system you clueless prat.

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RE: Remember The Judge That Screwed My Family? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-14-2016, 01:44 AM

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