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Remember The Judge That Screwed My Family?
(06-15-2016, 10:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: His decison in your case was 100% bcorrect.

Bad decisions get overturned by higher courts.

You have no clue what uou are talking about.  Your argument is that once a child is caught drinking then the parents have to watch that child every single minute of every single day until the child reachers majority.  That is completely absurd. no judge in the world would ever hold any parentto that standard.

Or maybe the judge gave the giuys parents some credit for removing him from a prior situation when they heard there was going to be underage drinking.  Since your parents never did anything like that with yiou I believe that hsi parents were better than yours.

Once again, Fred throws out 100% bullshit about a situation he thinks he knows about, when, in reality, he has no clue.

It never went to a higher court because we chose not to appeal and just focused on the cemetery.

When did I say they had to watch him every single minute of every single day?  That's a ridiculous statement, but that's your MO to post exaggerations to try and make a point because you have no argument.  

On a Saturday night, going to a place where they know that he had drank, in the place where he had driven the car before, you don't think that they should have thought "hey, maybe we should watch him"?

My parents didn't know that underage drinking went on there, so they had no reason to think that I would drink there.  His parents had caught him before and didn't punish him.

Every other judge we talked to admitted that it was a bullshit ruling.  In fact, someone else tried to use it as a basis to get a similar ruling and even that didn't work because it was so bad.

Once again, you're completely clueless and have no clue what you're talking about.

By the way, before you try and get me suspended, realize that I'm just countering everything you posted.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remember The Judge That Screwed My Family? - BFritz21 - 06-15-2016, 11:32 PM

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