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Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege
(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: This is a perefect example of WHITE privilege.

Wait, what? Affirmative action/racism towards white men is an example of white privilege?! Do you even know what the definition of white privilege is?

(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Or are you going to argue that white men hold over 95% of college football division one head coaching positions just because white coaches are so naturally superior to black coaches?

What about the vast majority of football and basketball players being black? Is that also white privilege? I'm sure you'll probably find some twisted way to say it is.

Also, your numbers are wrong. It's 31% of coaches are black.

I would argue similar to the author that there may certainly be stereotyping and possibly even racism in the hiring of coaches, the answer is more convoluted than something as ridiculous as "white privilege."

(06-18-2016, 09:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: And, of course, the fact that only 1% of CEOs of the top 500 companieis in the UNbited States are black is just because whites are so naturally superior.

Why do you always feel the need to engage in strawman arguments? Assuming your 1% number is correct, I would wager the reason is neither white privilege nor that whites are naturally superior. The reason is likely more complicated than a simple epithet, but I've found people who don't want things to change tend to keep things simple.

So since you enjoy strawmen so much, tell me, why do you want to keep blacks out of CEO positions?

fredtoast Wrote:has to be all based on merit, correct?  

Yes, why are you so against that?

fredtoast Wrote:Black people are just that naturally inferior to white people.  Couldn't have anything to do with white privilege.

Okay, I get it, fred. You can't argue the point so you make up strawman arguments. No need to keep repeating yourself.

fredtoast Wrote: Just like the way there were no black quarterbacks good enough to start in the NFL until teh 1970's.

I always thought that was racism, but now it's white privilege. You liberals need to make up your minds.

fredtoast Wrote:How pathetic is it that white people cry and play the victim card as soon as they are denied 100% of all top level jobs.

Well, to be honest, I always thought it was stupid to fight something with the very thing you're fighting. It's like trying to put out a fire by adding logs to it. You can't fight fire with fire. Likewise, you can't fight racism with racism. I'm sorry that I think ALL racism is wrong and you're okay with it as long as it's towards white people.
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RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - PhilHos - 06-20-2016, 10:57 AM

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