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Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege
(06-22-2016, 12:48 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So basically studies that show a statistically significant racial bias towards blacks don't count according to you?  Or is it that they show being black can be a detriment, and not necessarily that being white is beneficial?

Studies only SHOW something. They rarely, if ever, show causation. So, sure a study can show that there is racial discrimination somewhere. That doesn't automatically mean that the cause of said discrimination is 'white privilege'.

(06-22-2016, 02:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: "I understand that anecdotal evidence can't be generalized. Having said that, white privilege cannot exist because I haven't seen it". 

Umm... yea... your white privilege is your treatment in society that differs from others who are victims of intentional or unintentional racial discrimination. 

What do you think white privilege is?

FYI, misrepresenting my point only makes it seem as if YOU have no real argument. I've said white privilege does not exist because I haven't seen it AND that there hasn't been any evidence of it shown.

(06-22-2016, 04:01 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Well the first part is just false. You don't need it to be applied to every single person for it to be a reality.

Yes, you do, other then it's not a privilege for that group. If every white person doesn't beneift from white privilege, then it truly isn't white privilege. 

(06-22-2016, 06:31 PM)fredtoast Wrote: How would you even know if you benefited from it?

How did the white people who were given more options for places to live or got call backs to job interviews know they were benefiting from white privilege.

In fact the level of your denial when faced with direct proof makes me feel that you know you have benefited from it.  "Me thinks the man doth protest too much."

What direct proof? No one has provided direct proof of white privilege yet. Those aforementioned studies don't prove white privilege; only that there seems to be some racial discrimination going on in hiring. And outside of that, there has been nothing else coming close to evidence.

Also, I may have missed your response, but I asked you to provide me a list of the privileges that I have as a white man making $30,000 a year that Oprah Winfrey does not currently enjoy.
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RE: Chewbacca mom accused of white privilege - PhilHos - 06-23-2016, 12:31 PM

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