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transcript redactions from Orlando shooting
(06-23-2016, 03:52 PM)masterpanthera_t Wrote: I may concede this point, however, it depends on the percentage of the population that does this, before I will say this warrants any more action than what the FBI is undertaking.  The other point to consider is that most of the people who've been caught have been reported by their own community.  I'd have to see a significantly higher percentage of their population losing their marbles and going on shootouts compared to the rest of the U.S. population, before I can say we need to do more than what the FBI has done.

However, the larger point of Islamic reformation being a silly idea, I will stand by.  And another point that I would like to draw attention to, one which has gotten no responses, no matter how many times it's been mentioned, is how will the U.S. expect a reformation (as if this can be forced on a population unwillingly), when the U.S is so tightly bound with an undemocratic and repressive regime in Saudi Arabia, which is actually responsible (directly or indirectly) for much of the ideology of ISIS and Al Qaeda.  This idea of a Muslim reformation, is a kind of rhetoric that holds the Islamic population to a standard to which none other is held.  

I've already stated in other threads that I'm not a fan of Islam, but the problem in this discussion, is we're overrun with a lot of fear mongering words like Sharia, with nobody even explaining the true meaning of it.  How about we actually have a nationwide attempt to understand what this means from the perspective of American Muslims before we already assume the worst of their beliefs.

A few things (bolded in order of things addressed):

1. Care to cite a source? I don't think the numbers slide one way or the other, but it's important to point out that there's been high profile cases where the Muslim community actively protected fugitives who were later responsible for attacks ( Brussles)

2. Why? A "Reformation" is just what Christianity and Judaism experienced far earlier. A "reformation" would just be the equliviant to Martin Luther, the enlightenment, and other advancements in thinking that western religions experienced while Islam remained as sheltered as an anti-social kid.

3. I don't see how this has anything to do with it. Is it hypocritical? Sure. But nations have allied with one another despite things like this forever. Plenty of ideas managed to evolved despite this.

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RE: transcript redactions from Orlando shooting - THE Bigzoman - 06-23-2016, 07:22 PM

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