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Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things
(07-01-2016, 03:25 PM)Benton Wrote: I've wondered if it was planned, but mostly so lynch could step back and it buy more time. The further they push beyond November, the less likely anything significant comes of it. And the less voters care come November.

Ehhhhh....I think it's too damaging and too much fodder for Trump if they let it continue to fester.

And if the outcome were going to be damaging or negative, they'd give themselves time to get Biden or Sanders the nomination.  They can't have her disqualified and then just sub in someone else at the last minute.

Lynch has probably controlled and manipulated every step of this process, and through that controlled what any independent observer could rule.  The fix is already in, and this is all just smoke-and-mirrors to make the determination look impartial.

Not that there is any there there...but, c'mon, if there were who honestly believed a Democratic administration would disqualify the nominee to carry the torch and preserve their legacy?

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RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - JustWinBaby - 07-01-2016, 03:35 PM

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