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Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things
I guess im in the minority, because i dont give a shit about a private email server. Was she the only one not using the gov email? Hell no. Are there other high ranking gov officials still employed who didnt send every email with their gov system. Yes. Where is all the investigations on that?

I just got a letter in the mail yesterday. A "cyber intrusion" carried out against the US government resulted in the theft of my background investigation records. Government shit gets hacked too.

An old lady didnt properly use new technology. Whoop t do. This investigation has been going on how long? And there has been no ground breaking damaging information to come out like she is a secret saudi spy. Lesson learned.

Tell me when something happens i should care about. And a former president chatting with the attorney general is another shit storm about absolutely nothing.

Bill: OMG my wife sent and received emails, probably the biggest crime in history, please Loretta dont give her the death penalty.
AG: Bill dont worry your evil plan to send and receive emails will be covered up, nobody will ever know the truth about our sinister email chain letters and ole Hill dogs online purchase receipts. Mwuhahaha global domination is near.
Bill: OMG... What if the worlds one true savior Trump finds out about our secret meeting??!?
AG: Our entire plan will be ruined.... Nooooooooo. Alert the Mexican planes to attack Trump now

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RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - NATI BENGALS - 07-01-2016, 05:34 PM

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