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Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things
I was going to vote for Gary Johnson until he said he still gets high. Sorry, I'm not voting for a stoner to be president. Seriously, just give him a raspberry zinger and he'll sign the treaty to close all military bases in Europe.

It's really easy to say "If everyone" but we are talking about the American people here. 30% will vote Democrat no matter what and 30% will vote Republican no matter what while the other 40% don't pay attention except for voting for whoever they saw on tv before they left to go vote.

I will hold my nose and vote for Trump because if Clinton is elected president, we will usher in a Socialist utopia. While some people in this country want that, I do not.

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RE: Lynch and Clinton talk about "social" things - Nebuchadnezzar - 07-01-2016, 11:49 PM

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