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Cop kills man after he informs officer that he is legally carrying a concealed weapon
(07-09-2016, 10:07 PM)Bmoreblitz Wrote: You show once again that you are just Holding your breath and stomping your feet. You posted a link as did I. Like I said blacks are shot 3.5X more than whites per populace. Not "more likely"....ARE
We've established pages ago more whites are shot.
More whites have sickle cell. But it's doesn't mean they are "more likely"to have it. Studies? You referenced one STUDY. And only link was a chart that showed nothing, nada, zilch, zero.
There are only three that I've known of. Washington post...Guardian and Gun violence archives. All have different data. And many cases are missing.
There is no single, universally accepted data source for police killings. The Federal government acknowledges that its agencies’ various counts are incomplete. But not a smart man like you...hmmmm
WaPo and Gun violence archived try to fill in the gaps, using media and other reports. Along with web of amateurs, volunteers and journalists.

My statements are as yours....based on studies I've posted. Lol the Washington post is as left wing bias as they come. And most of their articles contradict themselves. Just depends on the year written.  
Thanks...for the compliment. I'm glad you've been raised in a bubble and led to believe everything is peaches and cream in the world.

This "smart" guy doesn't go off of what I've been told. I go off of what AGAIN by what I've lived, seen and experienced throughout my life from a child through adult hood. I'm pretty positive I've lived in more parts of the country and world than you have my friend.
In other words, to the extent that you've lived in your own bubble, you REJECT data that disagrees with your own preconceived notions (which we typically refer to as bias).
I'm not living in a bubble, I'm looking at the data objectively.  You clearly are not capable of doing that as you tacitly acknowledge you are blinded by you own experiences and will reject with how you perceived those experiences.
LOL - you're positive you lived more places than me?  That may be true, although you can't possibly know how many places I've lived and worked.  Another conclusion of yours based on only part of the data.  You love rejecting some conclusions for incomplete data, while cherry-picking that very same data to declare your own set of "facts".

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RE: Cop kills man after he informs officer that he is legally carrying a concealed weapon - JustWinBaby - 07-09-2016, 10:52 PM

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