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Rudy G. Says ‘BLM’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’
(07-11-2016, 11:34 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: So law abiding black males need to focus on stopping law breaking black males if they expect cops not to kill them during traffic stops?

(07-11-2016, 11:49 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yep.  Law-abiding and productive blacks need to undertake the burden of stopping their naughty brethren.  Peaceful Muslims need to address and stop their terror-loving compatriots.  Christians who aren't crazy need to rise up against Pat Robertson and/or those guys who blow up abortion clinics.  White males need to take time out of their lives to stop that affluenza guy and/or rapey white-bread frat boy d-bags.

What else can I say?  Um...thin people need to make a point to make fat people stop being fat.  Rich people need to do everything they can to stop poor people from being poor....hey, wait a minute!

Anywho, I find it interesting that some people feel the need to make any statement about a group or individual include themselves (under the guise of including EVERYONE).  Can't people say black lives matter?  Does black lives matter mean ONLY black lives matter?  Hell, even if it does I'm fine with letting people say it.

If "Black Lives Matter" means "only black lives matter" then scream it until your lungs bleed for all I care.  Geeeebuz people, just ignore it!

I know I am asking for a lot but here it goes....

When Dylan Roof killed those people in the church.  White people condemned his actions.  When Adam Lanza killed those children, no one mourned his death and felt sorry for him.  Same with Elliot Rodgers and no one feels sorry for James Holmes.  I could go on but the point is, when the bad people do bad things, no one feels sorry for those people.  Thus that is us holding them accountable.  We don't make excuses for them.  The most is "mental illness" and even then no one really cares if they were killed in the process or if they are locked up for life.  

Now when a black man is breaking the law and has an interaction with the police officer, if during the process he is killed, we have people already coming to the defense of the criminal.  They will claim racial profiling or that the initial crime was insignificant.  They think the police should use other methods of subduing the person and if there are 2 cops then it doesn't matter if the guy had a gun and was resisting arrest, the cop should not use deadly force. 

Basically the way law abiding black men can hold the law breakers accountable is by not feeling sorry for them and making them martyrs.  Mike Brown, Jamal Clark, Eric Garner and Alton Sterling don't deserve to be revered, they should be held in contempt. 

I have said that to lump some real victims with these faux victims is a disgrace and dishonor to the ones that should be mourned.  Tamir Rice, Philando Castille (though there is probably more to this story, but as of now to me it stands as unjustified), John Crawford III should not be lumped in with those mentioned above as they are true victims. 

Again, if the black community really wanted to save black lives, then they would stop glorifying violence and drugs and stop vilifying the police.  When someone like Mike Brown is killed due to attacking a police officer, instead of mourning him, they should just dismiss him as the criminal that he was.  Just like Adam Lanza isn't mourned.

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RE: Rudy G. Says ‘BLM’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’ - Sovereign Nation - 07-12-2016, 03:03 AM

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