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Interesting take on policing in the UK vs the US
(07-13-2016, 10:49 AM)GMDino Wrote: Nope.  Was talking about how the lack of guns affects the way the police are trained and how they handle situations differently.  Would it be nice to be that way here?  Absolutely.  But in no way did I, or have I ever, championed "gun control'.

That's just a tic from some people anytime guns are mentioned in any context other than "guns are good".

So this statement, plus, we love us some guns in America, doesn't equal a thread about guns and the benefits of not having them in our society?  The logic pretzels you tie yourself into are amazing.

Quote:Oh you can say whatever you think...but it had little to nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Except literally in this post you said it did.  Your topic, by your own admission, is that a lack of guns equals a better environment.  You then doubled down with the US loves it's guns comment.  Pointing out that the vast majority of gun related homicides are caused by the drug trade is a perfectly reasonable counter response to those not in need of medical attention.

Quote:By changing it to "drugs are bad" from "UK police are trained differently and there is less violence"?

Wait, I thought you just said it was the lack of guns that enabled this training.  Let me scroll up about three lines.  Yup, that's exactly what you said.

Quote:So you're going to double down and blame the alcohol causing more violent crime on drugs.

Hahaha, you have a serious reading comprehension problem hermano.

Quote:And you think *I* am disingenuous.  That's funny.  And unlike you.

I do think you're disingenuous, because you consistently demonstrate this quality.  You also just exhibited a disturbing lack of skill in regards to the English language.  Hopefully that's more of a one off.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Interesting take on policing in the UK vs the US - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-13-2016, 11:06 AM

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