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Another terrorist attack in France
Ratical Islam/Sharia/ISIS this time with a truck. The religion of peace??? Liars and murderers. This trash will not be stopped with gun control laws and peace agreements. They don't abide by laws and they sign peace agreements with no intention to ever honoring those agreements. They have no honor. They are mass murderers. And they celebrate these mass murders. Wonder if the Main Stream Media (MSM) and politicians are going to only call them "religious extremists" again. What a joke. In my opinion anybody found to be connected with these groups in anyway needs to be deported. Do what is in the best interest of the USA and our citizens and quit worrying about hurting the feeling of people trying to destroy us. (You know actual national security)

When evil attacks/tragedy like this occurs, the attacks on the Constitution and our rights as citizens of the USA will come under attack.  

Its all about the powers that be wanting total control and the Constitution and our rights are in their way.

Our country is under attack from within. (Bought and paid for politicians/MSM)

I know sounds crazy right.

Love this country.

Praying for the 80 people murdered and those injured.

Not going to give up.

Praying for healing for our land.

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!


Who Dey!!!!!!!!!

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RE: Another terrorist attack in France - tigerseye - 07-15-2016, 01:28 AM

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