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Another terrorist attack in France
(07-16-2016, 10:57 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Ah, I see what you were saying now. While it has little to do with the average Joe carrying, the mere presence of a firearm can escalate a situation that would otherwise have been without violence. Matches in a drawer don't have the same effect. So I understand what you are saying but there is still a slight increase in risk with a firearm that makes it different.

Also, no, insurance is insurance of a catastrophe. You get robbed at gunpoint and let them take your things, there is insurance. You are injured from getting your ass whipped, stabbed, or shot, there is insurance. You get killed, there is insurance. A firearm is like a fire bucket full of water. It could help, or it could make things worse. Just depends on the situation.

Makes sense; unfortunately, it seems we have turned this thread into a gun control thread and it is inappropriate. 

As to the OP here's a more human side of the tragedy; that makes all our back and forth look petty:

Quote:Four-year-old Yannis Coviaux loved to throw pebbles into the sea.
Quote:He and his parents, who are Nice residents, were joined by friends at the Promenade des Anglais to watch fireworks. Michael Coviaux told Le Parisien newspaper that his son was a little farther away with his friends when the truck barreled through the crowd.
"My immediate reaction was to grab my wife and throw her out of the way ... when I got up, there was a huge crowd, and I prayed to God that Yannis was safe and sound," he said.
Then, Coviaux saw his son, not far away, lying in blood.
"When I saw him, I understood right away. ... He resembled Aylan, the little refugee boy who drowned on the beach in Turkey," Coviaux told the newspaper.
He grabbed his son and ran toward the nearest hospital. A car with three young men inside stopped and drove until the vehicle came upon an ambulance. There, physicians took the little boy and tried unsuccessfully to revive him.

If anyone can read that and the other stories and not be brought to tears and/or anger; they are much less emotional than I. 
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Another terrorist attack in France - bfine32 - 07-16-2016, 11:08 PM

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