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My Ghostbusters 2016 Review
(07-19-2016, 11:51 AM)PhilHos Wrote: It's sad, really. It's like they didn't understand what made Ghostbusters so special. The original was NOT just a comedy. At best, it was a hybrid comedy, like a horror-comedy. The movie and characters (outside of Venkman) took themselves very serious. It's just the characters responded in ways that ended up being funny.

This new thing is pretty much a straight up comedy and while I liked it and laughed, it's nowhere near what Ghostbusters is nor what this movie could've been.

These were original characters. None of these women played female versions of the original. The closest you could come is that Melissa McCarthy's character was much like Ray with a little Egon and Venkman thrown in, but I never got the sense she was like that. She was an original character; they ALL were.

In fact, Leslie Jones was probably my favorite of the 4. I think I laughed at her parts the most.

Anyway, if Sony learned their lessons from this one (not the least of which is DON'T ALIENATE THE VERY SAME PEOPLE YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR MOVIE), then they could take these 4 new characters and make a good GB movie with (with hopefully less video game-y and toy-ish gadgets). But, considering this is Hollywood and their takeaway from Deadpool's success is to make everything R-rated, I ain't holding my breath.

i mean come on.... Why redo basically the plot of the original? they couldn't pull a new plot together?...       they should reboot movies that weren't great the first time around... not ones that will stand the test of time on their own.

The director and whoever wrote the movie should be ashamed in my opinion.      So much they could do with the franchise and they choose to hack and slash the original film...  I keep hearing this guy (director) understands comedy but nothing seemed remotely funny from the trailer or other movies he is credited for.

the things you describe in the movie and other reviews I have read make me want to see it less.   I just don't want any of this in my mind when I think ghostbusters.

if anything they should have done some sort of passing of the torch if they got those guys in there for cameos they could have easily done just that.

And its not just this movie its most of what Hollywood is selling theses days and im not buying.  worst part of it all is I am a huge ghostbusters fan.. but was never excited for this movie. or most remakes of good movies.

Messages In This Thread
My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - PhilHos - 07-19-2016, 11:28 AM
RE: My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - PhilHos - 07-19-2016, 11:51 AM
RE: My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - XenoMorph - 07-19-2016, 01:28 PM
RE: My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - PhilHos - 07-20-2016, 11:19 AM
RE: My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - Benton - 07-20-2016, 01:16 PM
RE: My Ghostbusters 2016 Review - Au165 - 07-25-2016, 03:02 PM

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