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Leslie Jones, under hateful barrage on Twitter, fights back
(07-20-2016, 09:29 AM)yellowxdiscipline Wrote: She got all butthurt because Milo trashed her film(he never said anything racist in his Breitbart review), and then she went after him on Twitter, he fought back, and then his followers went after her. In the end Milo got the Twitter ban hammer, because she's too thin skinned and cant take criticism. Twitter being the left leaning platform that it is took action on her behalf.

Read Milos review for yourself and tell me where he's being racist. He always takes his shots at feminists but he never says anything remotely racist in it.

1) That site is awful to try and read.

2) The review itself seems like he's trolling.  Either that of he's a complete dbag.  Given the site it's hard to tell the difference.

Quote: Abigail is repellant and fat. Holtzmann is a clownish, lip-syncing drag queen. Erin is a forgettable, low-rent Jennifer Aniston clone. Patty is a two dimensional racist stereotype by even the most forgiving measure.

Patty is the worst of the lot. The actress is spectacularly unappealing, even relative to the rest of the odious cast. But it’s her flat-as-a-pancake black stylings that ought to have irritated the SJWs. I don’t get offended by such things, but they should.

, the film acting as standard bearer for the social justice left, is full of female characters that are simply stand-ins for men plus a black character worthy of a minstrel show. Remember, the original film not only represented women well, but also had Winston
Zeddemore, the character with his feet most firmly on the ground in the entire movie.

 is afraid to acknowledge the shortcomings of any of its female characters, perhaps fearing the wrath of their target audience, which, after all, is never satisfied. (Literally. Which is perhaps why Sony did a deal with Hostess to sell Ghostbusters-branded Twinkies.)

I want to see the movie now just to make all his, well, whatever that was he typed, even more worthless.
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: Leslie Jones, under hateful barrage on Twitter, fights back - GMDino - 07-20-2016, 12:29 PM

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