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Would making babies from same sex couples be unethical?
(07-01-2015, 12:53 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I don't know if this suggestion is old, aready in practice, unreasonable, or plausible; but here is what I would suggest:

That a list of Same Sex Couples that want a baby should be in a database at every abortion clinic in the country. We a mother comes in with an unwanted child there should be every measure taken to persuede her into carrying the child to term and surrendering to the SSC once conceived. Of course all medical expenses and arrangements would be covered bu the SSC.

Admittedly there is a burden on the carrying mother, but it would be an alternatve to one of the main reasons I am told women seek abortions. It is not my attempt to hi-jack or turn into a discussion on the morality/legality of abortion, so please go there in another thread designed for such.

This would be a good idea for all couples who want a baby but can't have one themselves, not just same sex couples.

I don't know about "every measure taken to persuade her", but it could at least be offered as an option. The problem is that as a woman carries a baby inside her she becomes attached to it. It is very tough for a woman to give up a baby after she has had it growing inside you for 9 months.

(07-01-2015, 12:53 PM)bfine32 Wrote: As to the OP: It hurts my head. Who would carry the child to term?

One woman would donate her DNA to create a sperm cell.  The other woman would carry the baby just like any other artificial insemination.

If they figure out how to make an egg with a guy's DNA I guess they would have to find a female to carry the baby.

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RE: Would making babies from same sex couples be unethical? - fredtoast - 07-01-2015, 01:58 PM

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