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For Those Convinced Of Clinton’s Corruption
(07-24-2016, 03:04 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote:

Yes, no corruption on part of the Clintons.  Give the article in above link a quick look..


So their daughter is marrying the son of a corrupt businessman so Hilary Clinton is corrupt?


So corrupt that they...didn't pardon him?

Quote:Encounters between potential in-laws can often be awkward, but this untold chapter in Clinton family history may take the cake.

President Bill Clinton once had the opportunity to save his daughter's future father-in-law from spending five years behind bars, according to never-before-revealed White House files. But the asked-for reprieve never came.

In the waning days of Clinton's presidency, federal prosecutors and the FBI were bearing down on former Rep. Ed Mezvinsky (D-Iowa), who had fallen for a series of Ponzi schemes and pulled in nearly $10 million money from other investors to cover his losses.

Mezvinsky would not be formally indicted until March of 2001, but records released last week by the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock and obtained by POLITICO show Mezvinsky and his then-wife — ex-Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (D-Pa.) — pleaded with the former president for a presidential pardon to head off the looming federal case.

"I have real reason to believe that without a pardon, charges will be brought against me in the very near future, and that I will then be faced with a long and difficult process of defending myself, and ultimately the prospect of a long prison term," Mezvinsky wrote. "I am humbled and saddened at having sullied my reputation and that of my family, and having disappointed the many honorable and decent people who had confidence in me. I am prepared to try to make amends as best I can."

Margolies-Mezvinsky's missive to the president discusses her husband's history of service in politics and for the community, but is vague about the nature of his alleged wrongdoing.

"He is a man who in public service and his private life has worked tirelessly as an advocate for the poor, the underprivileged, and underserved. But he is also a man who now finds himself in a precarious position, where a federal investigation has already blemished a stellar career, a life of high-minded public service dedication to humanitarian causes. It is for this reason that I write personally to you to seek clemency for Ed,"Margolies-Mezvinsky wrote.

It is unclear whether Clinton ever saw the letters, which turned up in the files of the White House's counsel's office.

Asked about the letters, Margolies-Mezvinsky — now Chelsea Clinton's mother-in-law — said this week that she doesn't believe the Clinton White House ever acted on the request.

"No action was taken ... which is a matter of public record. To my knowledge, we never received any reply from the White House," the former congresswoman said in an email to POLITICO.

A spokesman for the former president did not reply to a query Tuesday about whether the pardon request ever reached him.

Oh and she didn't get married:

Quote:"in George Soros’ mansion" your link says.

Quote:According to The Hudson Valley News, tents have gone up at Astor Courts in Rhinebeck, New York, the likely location of Chelsea Clinton’s wedding this weekend to financier Mark Mezvinsky of Goldman Sachs.   The newspaper has also filled in questions about where the Clintons will supposedly be staying.

Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be accommodated at Glenburn, the home built for John Jacob Astor IV, American millionaire  businessman who perished in the sinking of the Titanic.  The mansion is currently the Rhinebeck home of Eric and Andrea Colombel.  Andrea Colombel is the daughter of billionaire financier George Soros, a long-time Clinton supporter.

And even if every word were true (although getting married in the home of a billionaire supporter isn't out of the question) what does that have to do with anything?

Trump is just a shady business man he just doesn't "steal" money...he just won't pay what he owes.
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RE: For Those Convinced Of Clinton’s Corruption - GMDino - 07-24-2016, 04:10 PM

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