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Trump Promises To Do More For Veterans Than Anyone

Trump was in Charlotte on July 26th and addressed one of the nation's largest veteran groups and delivered an amazing speech.

He mentioned that veterans will be a top priority and that they would provide the best medical care for veterans. He even went so far as to pledge to have a hotline at the White House for veterans to report problems with their care, but people will continue to say that he "only wants to help the rich and doesn't care about the common people."

The man continues to impress me, and he's hitting all the right notes, but some people (mostly Democrats) will continue to ignore it and will vote for Hillary, even though she's a criminal and will screw this country.

He openly criticized Hillary and points out that she won't be able to handle anything, just like she can't as Secretary of State:

Quote: “Just look at her invasion of Libya and her handling of Benghazi — a disaster. Look at her handling of emails, which put America’s entire national security at risk.”

At that statement, some audience members suddenly interrupted Trump’s speech with a chant that has taken hold at his rallies in recent weeks: “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Speaking of screwing up, Trump mentions how she allowed ISIS to become a strength:

Quote:The GOP nominee also accused Clinton of backing foreign policies that have weakened America’s standing in the world and opened the door to threats such as ISIS. And he slammed Democrats for not mentioning the terrorism threat during the first day of the Democratic National Convention Monday.

“You didn’t hear it,” Trump said. “They don’t want to talk about it because in a very true way, they really established ISIS because of weakness. The people in this room know better than anybody else … what I mean by weakness.”

That's something I've said since the start and it began with Obama doing things like apologizing "for America's arrogance."

Clinton would be four more years of the same, and, like Trump so brilliantly stated with this quote, "we can’t fix a rigged system by electing the people who rigged it in the first place."

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Trump Promises To Do More For Veterans Than Anyone - BFritz21 - 07-26-2016, 07:11 PM

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