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So What's New, Jungle Noise?
(07-27-2016, 12:29 PM)grampahol Wrote: I have no ax to grind against the team, owner, coaches nor players. All the fake outrage pretending that your life is a living heck just because player x doesn't live up to your 'demanding standards' means about as much to me as how much you paid for a stick of gum in 1983.
I enjoy reading about the team and hope they win it all, but in no way does it or will it affect the way I go through life or my happiness.

Does anyone, at least on here, do that though?  Show fake outrage, and pretend that their life is living heck?  I haven't seen it, and I certainly  hope you're not labeling me as such a person.

You know, people are capable of debating a topic they're passionate about without it affecting their overall happiness.  Many people earn a good living do it.

There's plenty of people who go on to lead wonderful lives, who have a negative view on a certain negative subject.  And many times one that they enjoy.  Ex: Go to Ford Car Lovers forum and you'll find all kinds of opinions on all kinds of models.  And they're all Ford.  If a guy wants to be debate the Pros and Cons of a certain engine or whatever, that doesn't mean it affect his real life and more than it affects than it affects Joe from Flo's opinion that Marvin Lewis sucks. But somehow that mindset has wormed it's way into sports with some fans. It, afterall, is a product and there's a million different ways to perceive and support it.

What's really happening is sometimes some people get their feelings hurt, or are incredibly defensive about a subject they are also passionate about, resorting to painting the other party is unreasonable or extreme.

You know how many sports fans  allow sports to affect their life in someway, regardless of whether it's positive or negative?  A.) All of them.  Or why else would you watch?  I think every sports fan has allowed their favorite team a little both at some point.  Show me a fan who's never been angry or disappointed with something regarding their team (game, signing, arrest, interview) and I'll show either a liar or a vegetable.  Same goes for the reverse.  Show me a fan who's never been happy and I'll show the same.

The real truth is there's differing levels of everything surrounding being a fan.  Dollars spent, time invested, articles read, jersey's owned/worned, how long you've been a fan, where you're from.  There's no one measure.  Therefore there is no right way.  And there's all different levels of satisfaction, and different levels of expectations.  So unless you see someone actual get on here and gripe that the team is literally affecting their life (Relationships, family, work, sleep, eat, etc.) then how about you don't paint with such a broad brush, huh?

Saying a negatively opinionated person allows this team make their life a living heck is akin to saying that a positive person only cares about this team, and puts too much value in it's worth.  Both are completely unfair and seem to be used only to take a dig at a person who shares a different view.  IMO at least. ThumbsUp

Messages In This Thread
RE: So What's New, Jungle Noise? - Wes Mantooth - 07-27-2016, 02:13 PM
RE: So What's New, Jungle Noise? - jason - 07-29-2016, 01:10 PM

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