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Hillary: An Unborn Child Hours Before Delivery Has No Constitutional Rights
(08-02-2016, 09:54 AM)bfine32 Wrote: 1) I can only assume that you have never heard the terms homonym and homograph. Must be a confusing existence not knowing these things exist.

Assume all you want.  The fact I picked a word with the same spelling, but different meanings that vary based upon context  IOT teach you how contexts influences the correct definition of a word with multiple definitions would indicate I maybe heard of those "things."

Quote:2) No I never wondered this and just because a baby is not a fetus, does not mean a fetus cannot also be a baby. Another dynamic that ecsapes you that most likely makes life more confusing. Here let me blow your mind: A square can also be a rectangle, but a rectangle can never be a square. I know: mind blown.

An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning "unable to speak" or "speechless") is the very young offspring of a human or animal. When applied to humans, the term is usually considered synonymous with baby or bairn (in Scottish English), but the latter is commonly applied to the young of any animal. When a human child learns to walk, the term toddler may be used instead. The term infant is typically applied to young children between the ages of 1 month and 12 months; however, definitions may vary between birth and 1 year of age, or even between birth and 2 years of age. A newborn is an infant who is only hours, days, or up to a few weeks old. In medical contexts, newborn or neonate (from Latin, neonatus, newborn) refers to an infant in the first 28 days after birth;[1] the term applies to premature infants, postmature infants, and full term infants. Before birth, the term fetus is used

I've studied embryology, ob/gyn, and pediatrics to name just three courses specific to this topic.  You believe a chick in Texas controlled a tornado.  Obviously, there is no changing your mind.

Quote:3) I suppose we could go back and see who accused whom first, but I'm quite sure you pulled the card first.

That would make me a dick and you a hypocrite.  I'm fine with that.

Quote:4) Seems as if you are kind of repeating yourself here. Please refer to answer #2 (once your briain stops spinning) to find your answer.

I'll tell you what, once you have successfully completed embryology, ob/gyn, and pediatrics get back with me and we'll compare notes.  I just finished precepting a student last month so I'm available for you.

Quote:5) Simply pointed out that you chose to use the exclusive definition of a word that has inclusive meanings. As your orginal answer whas "when a baby can breathe on its own". Other might rightly, consider the fetus a baby capable of breathing on its own.

However, a fetus isn't breathing on its own, because as you yourself noted it is "unborn" which means it is still in the uterus and receiving oxygen via the umbilical cord.  What does that mean? It. isn't. "breathing." on. its. own.

Quote:6) Good simple explaination about the stages of pregnancy.

Perhaps the American Academy of Pediatrics can help you out.

Quote:7) A continuation of simple biology.

So much for you stating you case "clearly."  Is that a yes or a no on the fetal stage ends at birth?

Quote:I can only imagine someone of your POV is a hoot at a baby shower:

Person A: "Can I feel the baby kick?"

Person B: "It's not a baby, it's a fetus; hell I don't even know why we are calling this event a baby shower; it should be a fetal gathering".

You go to a lot of baby showers, do you?

My POV?  You mean someone educated in embryology, ob/gyn, and pediatrics?  Someone of my POV who doesn't buy into your "scientific" definition of race which you have yet to provide?  Would your wife rather have someone with my trained POV deliver her baby or someone who will just "pray" the baby out like that lady in Texas who steered the tornado?  She didn't need a tornado driver's license so why bother getting a license to deliver a baby?

Quote:This will be my last point-by-point discussion with you on this matter; as it has grown petty in nature.


Quote:Feel free to believe the same word can only mean one thing and confuse inclusive/exclusive definitions with homonyms and homographs. Just be prepared to get dismissed quite frequently.

I know.  Because "sciency" "folks" are "funny," but rootin', tootin' Texan tornado wranglers are to be taken totally seriously.  

What about Onan's right to life?  Slayed because he pulled out?  Your god is a murderer and you're condemning other's morality?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hillary: An Unborn Child Hours Before Delivery Has No Constitutional Rights - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-02-2016, 03:51 PM

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