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There just isn't a candidate I like
I'm voting for Jill Stein because she is far and away the best candidate in my eyes.  Her platform of focusing national attention on new technology/taking care our citizens/demilitarization is appealing.  I have the "luxury" of residing in a state that has absolutely no chance of turning red, so I figure I may as well vote for who I perceive as being the best.  Also, should her or another 3rd party candidate manage to win 5% of the popular vote, I believe something happens regarding campaign funding for their party going forward.  For this reason I don't feel that a vote for her is "wasted", because should the Green party ever hit that 5% then they may be able to actually do some political damage to the two dominant parties(which both appear to have little to zero quality control or accountability to their constituents).  

If I lived in a swing state, I would probably be terrified into voting for Clinton.   Sick ...and for the record I dislike her for her reasons other than the email/Benghazi stuff.  Her record on foreign policy while serving as secretary of state was quite brutal and interventionist.  She has accepted a lot of money from some shady sources including the Saudi Royal Family.  She claims that NAFTA was a success and will probably push for similar trade deals which serve the interests of unscrupulous multi-national corporations.  Her ordeal with Debbie Wasserman Shultz shows that she probably has a very typical modern stance on corruption and "pay-to-play" arrangements.  Trump is downright terrifying.

Messages In This Thread
RE: There just isn't a candidate I like - Bilbo Saggins - 08-04-2016, 03:02 AM

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