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thoughts on HRCs free college tuition/loan plan
(08-09-2016, 05:39 PM)Millhouse Wrote: As I said elsewhere I am voting for HRC because I just cant vote for Trump. But this is one thing I completely disagree with her & the Bernie crowd about, and why I am voting Republican for the house & senate seat here. I'll post below directly from her website on what would happen if she wins and Dems win congress back.

"Every student should have the option to graduate from a public college or university in their state without taking on any student debt. By 2021, families with income up to $125,000 will pay no tuition at in-state four-year public colleges and universities. And from the beginning, every student from a family making $85,000 a year or less will be able to go to an in-state four-year public college or university without paying tuition.

All community colleges will offer free tuition." -

I just cant agree with that at all. I am in favor of the government working with universities/colleges to help lower costs of tuition/books/housing for everyone across the board. Or working with students from lower income families on lowering loan interests and providing more grants to help out. And I am also fine with helping out parents going back to school. Thats fine. But this to me is too socialistic in nature when we carry the free world with our military. And not to mention if a family earns $130,000 they are getting ****ed when the family next door that makes $5000 less can send their kids off for free to college.

Anyways this hasnt been talked about much in here, and I know many that post in here went to college, so just like to hear your take on it without  your political party blinders on.

This would create a really large bill that somebody has to pay, which is the number one reason why socialist notions like this don't work. 

How about the idea that anyone who wanted to own a house should be able to, whether they could afford one or not?  Look where that kind of thinking led.

Everybody doesn't get to live the same life.  That's just the way it is.  Everybody gets equal rights and equal opportunity but there's no guarantee of equal results.

How much control does the gov't get over higher education under this plan?  How much more bureaucracy is created?
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein  singersongwriterrocknroll

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RE: thoughts on HRCs free college tuition/loan plan - McC - 08-09-2016, 06:07 PM

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