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thoughts on HRCs free college tuition/loan plan
(08-09-2016, 08:46 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: A couple of things. Let me preface this by saying that while I like the systems in other countries with regards to tuition, it would not work well with our education system.

First, Millhouse, can you elaborate a bit on the whole $130k v. $125k and the costs being covered? I am just curious where you get that mindset from. It can vary greatly from state to state and school to school, but many need based programs rely on Pell eligibility which you can be disqualified from for much lower income than that.

Second, the claim that enrollment would skyrocket is a bit dubious. Enrollment would not skyrocket because admissions standards wouldn't change, especially not overnight. Even at community colleges you would have to have a massive infrastructure expansion to allow for any sort of increased enrollment, and of course many more instructors.

Our education system needs a serious look and just throwing free community college tuition out there doesn't really help anything. I'd just rather look at the actual issues.

The $125k threshold was straight from her website, link in the op. There wasnt anything else about families making a bit more than that, and it was a hypothetical example based on that. But to add to that, what about kids that come from families that are past that threshold, but the parents make the kids pay their way. Those kids would be getting screwed as opposed to someone that just so happened to come from a poorer family. 

Here is another thing, and this isnt directed at you but for the thread here. What happens to dropouts or those that dont graduate that would get free tuition? Would or should they have to pay the taxpayers back at that point? I dont know what Bernie's model was on all this so just curious because there a ton of people that just drop out for a variety of reasons. 

I just hope she made this deal with Bernie just to get his vote, knowing she wont ever go through with it banking that the Repubs stay in control of Congress.
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RE: thoughts on HRCs free college tuition/loan plan - Millhouse - 08-10-2016, 01:51 AM

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