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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-15-2016, 06:59 PM)djam Wrote: You are completely misguided if you think the car companies just up and left so they could have cheaper workers. That is one of the liberal fantasy stories that seems easy to believe but once you really look into it you see its a total lie. 

I never claimed they up and left. I understand it was a multi factorial situation, but ultimately it was capitalism that caused the decline of the Detroit auto industry.

Quote:Did you know that GM was paying high wages and expensive benefits to employee's who hadnt produce a single product or dollar for them in 15 years? How does that work? The government implemented a lot of socialist experimental programs in Detroit back in the 60's, and they all failed and the extremely high taxes and unions asking for too absurd amounts of everything forced the companies to move away to countries that have way lower tax rates and wages. It killed not just car companies but everything. I spent a lot of my life in China and I can tell you now, they have big issues, but the sweat shop thing that Americans buy into is NOTHING like you've been told it is. 

Wow, I didn't realize the companies had no hand in running their own companies.

Quote:We can NOT make a perfect world where everyone succeeds and no one fails, through government policy and force. I mean you could try, its exactly what Stalin wanted and every other horrible dictator. But the bottom line is that in the end, most people want to live free and in the end most people would be willing to even die to fight for thevreedom they want to protect or gain. You cant have both freedom and government control. 

I already stated there will be winners and losers.

Quote:As far as you bringing up capitalism and Jim Baker, I cant even see the point? Jim Baker's criminal activity had nothing to do with capitalism. We "havent" had real capitalism here in a very, very long time. Every year for decades, more capitalism-killing policy comes out and the government gets in bed with their pocket-lining buddies and create more cronyism, and they sell it as capitalism to a bunch of people who dont even understand basic economics. But that is not capitalism at all. The governments roles in the economy, if there is any, is protecting people against fraud, corruption and cronyism, but instead they breed all of those things and make them worse. Unless you've really researched history, you dont even know what a free market is because we havent had anything that even resembles that since our grandparents were kids. 

Jim Bakker was greedy. He was every bit a business man as he was a clergyman who specialized in selling false hope to his customers. If you don't understand his association with capatism let me explain. Several years ago a study was conducted in Canada testing OTC supplements and how accurately they were labeled. Ten percent had 100% of the ingredients listed on the label in 100% of the amounts listed. Ten percent had zero percent of the ingredients listed. Eighty percent had some of the listed ingredients, but not in the amounts listed and contained mostly cheaper fillers like rice. That, in a nutshell, is capitalism. Ten percent of capitalist have ethics and give their customers exactly what they pay for. Ten percent of capitalists are complete crooks. Eighty percent fall somewhere in between on that spectrum, but they are still ripping you off by lying to you about what you're paying for.

Quote:Sadly I dont think most people understand basic economics. 

Including economist who make economic predictions. 

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RE: What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 08-15-2016, 09:13 PM

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