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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-15-2016, 10:59 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: When politicians appoint friends to positions of power that's cronyism. When corporations influence politicians with bribes called "campaign contributions" that's something else.  Why do you think there are so many loopholes for corporations?


Why do you think I stated we need capitalism? And social programs funded by capitalism? Because I support capitalism, but I'm not naive enough to believe these companies hiring workers in Bangladesh for pennies on the dollar so Donald Trump can increase profits for his clothing line or companies that sell supplements containing 0% of the ingredients listed on the label to increase profits are suddenly going to give a shit about their employee's welfare. 

I told you; from a study conducted in Canada. It is an analogy based upon the results. I didn't feel like looking it up because if I do you're just going to ignore it anyway. But, if you insist I will look it up for you.

No thats not something else, thats cronyism, and its NOT capitalism or even close. The government has been doing it for years and selling it as capitalism but its not. At all lol. I cant stress that enough. If the government were to protect us from that kind of thing, without getting involved in the markets, now that is capitalism. People trading and doing business voluntarily and freely without corruption from government. 

Any study that says 10% of business owners are not greedy or good or bad or whatever, its a total opinion piece written by someone who hates capitalism lol. Seriously there is no way anyone could compile that kind of data and even be close to accurate, especially from another country lol. Think about that for a minute. Think about how many businesses exist. 

I understand that you guys have been spoon fed for years that rich people are all bad. but its simply not true. If you really believed that, you should be boycotting computers, phones, and alllll the stuff that those nasty rich people have created to meet the demand you had a part in setting out --including the NFL. Its laughable to see all these occupy type kids hang out on their trust funds, sporting all their little electric gadgets, whining about rich people. They are some of the rich folks biggest supporters. Those kids are big time consumers, they just dont want to do it with their own money lol. Its sad. Boohoo I have a $100,000 degree in russian literature or some other liberal art and cant figure out why I cant get a job. Its not fair, I shouldnt have to pay the loan that I applied for and signed, promising I'd pay it back lol!!! Goodness how pathetic. These kids are spending $4 for a starbucks while other people are drinking $1.50 gas station coffee, and the gas station coffee folks will end up paying for those goofy kids if they get what they want. Its absurd. Its backwards.

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RE: What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting? - djam - 08-15-2016, 11:20 PM

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