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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-16-2016, 09:27 AM)djam Wrote: Their issues are very simple fred. Almost all aspects of their lives is funded by tax payers and social programs. It has done nothing for them. Their quality of life is pathetic. Their schools, which are already government run, are pathetic. They learn no skills, they are literally taught and told to be victims --which is why I said its bred in them. After 3 generations of that, yes it is bred in them. They are given more welfare to kick out fathers from the homes. They are encouraged to abort their babies. They have no direction and feel like they have no way out. The ONLY ones who get out, do it by rejecting the narrative and the lifestyle the government and liberals have given them, and rejecting the entire thing and go take part in the world. I have two cousins and they live in Baltimore. One is in jail again sadly. He's been in and out of jail for a long time. The other one went to college and ended up owning his own business, and having a family. The difference between those two? The one in jail bought into the narrative and is too angry to get off the system. In his mind he's a victim of something he cant even explain, but it has fueled him to take part in a lot of bad things and he's stolen form people and hurt people because of it. His brother? He didnt buy into the victim mindset and didnt want to live in a government run life. He wanted to taste the freedom that others get to. So he changed his mindset. He got out. One of these days fred, they are all going to wake up and want out of that life you pander for them. black are very capable and dont need treated as if they arent. That is very racist, actually, and soon they will all see it. There is a reason MLK was republican, and Fredrick Douglas, and so on and so on. They knew then that being babied and treated as if they were a lower class of people would hurt them, and democrats support this. It HAS hurt them. They were all right. I dont think they want a bunch of white, self-endorsed intellects telling them what they can and cant do, which is basically what has been happening for a long time. You want to help th black communities? Leave them alone. They are full of capable people who have no idea how capable they really are. Stop trying to do their race special favors. It ruins mentality and holds them back. Just stop. The best thing that could happen to the black communities right now would be for them to be forced into taking personal responsibility for their lives. They will thrive on it once they taste it. But this system stifles that. Badly.

The ones who have escaped poverty have done it with the help of government programs that helped pay for their education and job training.

Do you honestly believe there were no poor people living in poverty before the US government created social programs to help them?  

You can't blame social programs created to help the poor for making them poor when there were poor people before the social programs.  


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RE: What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting? - fredtoast - 08-16-2016, 09:55 AM

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