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Birth control, abortion and unwanted pregnancies.
(08-16-2016, 09:20 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: The alternative explanation for the increase in unwanted pregnancies in the counties the program wasn't available and a decrease in unwanted pregnancies in the counties where the program was available would be the program was effective. That is the conclusion she should have reached if she accepted the data for the other age group. But, she didn't and then cited reasons she didn't apply to the other age group.

You told me you didn't see where she rejected data based upon confirmational bias. I showed you an example. That doesn't mean it is the only time she did it. I'm not going to go through it point for point because even when I show where she rejected the data you deny she did when even you state she "tried to explain it away."  If she is tried to explain it away that is because she rejected it. You don't explain away data or conclusions you accept. I'm not dismissing her critique based upon "one little thing."  It is based upon a pattern of a lack of objectivity, confirmational bias, a repeated inability to analyze the data, a disregard for the scientific method, and the single most ignorant comment I've ever read criticizing a study's findings weighed against her valid criticism of the studies limitation which leads me to conclude she has almost zero credibility. Again, she does have some valid criticism regarding the studies limitations, but as a whole that critique is a farce.

A valid critique is to the original Ghostbusters as her critique is to the remake.

Look, I openly admitted at the beginning that I posted this mainly to spur discussion - which I think it has, to some degree, but at this point, I think we're at the point where neither of our viewpoints are going to change and any further discussion is going to involve rehashing the same arguments over and over.

So let's just agree to disagree, okay?
[Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: Birth control, abortion and unwanted pregnancies. - PhilHos - 08-17-2016, 12:08 PM

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