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Twitter suspends 235,000 accounts for extremism
(08-20-2016, 02:42 PM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: 1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: Look, I saw this great opportunity to corner the market in Egyptian cotton. How was I supposed to know there was going to be a glut? I've got a hundred warehouses stacked with the stuff all over the European theater. I can't get rid of a penny's worth. People eat cotton candy, don't they? Well this stuff is better - it's made out of real cotton.

Yossarian: Milo, people can't eat cotton!

I don't know why but I read "Milo" and can't help but think about Catch 22, lol.

Yeah, I wonder how Social Media sites and message boards will define "Extremism" as well. Will it be "Mob Rule" or will they have a set of guidelines? 

By "Mob Rule" I mean will they suspend or ban someone who get a lot or reports simply because those reporting do not agree with what is said.

For instance, I am considered extreme because I believe the LGBT lifestyle to be a choice and a sin. 

Disclaimer: It's only an example of what is considered "Extreme" to many, it's not posted to start an argument or whatever.

Considering Milo didn't say anything worse than what Leslie Jones said to him, BUT that she was supposedly targeted by a lot of Milo's "fans", I'd say they will mainly go by Mob Rule but have their definition as well. 
[Image: giphy.gif]

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RE: Twitter suspends 235,000 accounts for extremism - PhilHos - 08-20-2016, 06:37 PM

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