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Colin Kapernick benches self for National Anthem
You know, I'm going to try to be somewhat short, as I'm known to ramble. And I'm aware that much of what I'm about to say belongs moreso on Kotsch than JN. I'm not sure anyone really cares what I think, and it's far from a hot take or terrible unique, but I'm going to share it anyway:

Colin Kaepernick is a moron. The first question I have is questioning the timing of his display vs the convenience of it. Meaning, would he be making the same display if he was still starting, if he was a star/focal point? Would he making the same display if he were in the middle of contract negotiations? Just how sincere is he motivation?

And let's for a second believe that it's 100% sincere. He has no other motivation that what he truly believes. Guess what? What he believes to be a worthy cause is stupid. Yup, just plain stupid. Go ahead, bring out that bleading heart blowhard Fred or anyone else that wants to defend this ridiculous cause. Plain and simple, I find people who support BLM and the ideas behind it to be misinformed, people more concerned with inserting themselves into a movement than the movement itself, or outright liars.

This country has close to 400 million people in it. Almost 1 million police officers. Millions upon millions of criminals. By sheer numbers alone that provides one heckuva an opportunity to frame an argument or paint a narrative. Surely, if so much police misconduct exits you can find youself a slew of instances and martyrs to hold up to make your point. So what do we have?

The first guy that kind of set this whole thing off was Michael Brown. A piece of shit who robbed a store, strong-armed a clerk, and then was so worried about being caught that he proceeded to WALK DOWN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. Ignored police commands, ended up resisting arrest, fighting with the cop, going for his weapon. Hands up don't shoot? Oh, no witnesses made that up, even admitted it to it later. All of the testing, reports and autopsy bank this up. Doesn't matter though, this piece of shit is still head up as a martyr and that saying (Hands up..) still exists regardless if it even happened or not.

You got Freddy Gray in Baltimore, a guy who had been arrested dozens of times who died in the back of a squad car. He wasn't shot. And 3 of the 5 officers were minorities. The police vehicle, and the officer responsible for transporting him were both minorities. So we've got another know piece of shit, who wasn't purposely killed, and who white officers had nothing to do with other than the initial arrest. Meh, here's another example of police gunning down innocent black men. Forget that he wasn't exactly innocent or gunned down. He also had back surgery recently but I'm sure that had nothing to do with his situation. Rolleyes

You got some other fat ***** piece of shit who had a heart attack while resisting arrest. Again, known criminal. Perhaps his death has more to do with a.) Breaking the law. b.) being a fat ***** slob and c.) resisting arrest than it does with the police just out and out targeting and killing blacks.

You got a woman who hung herself who for some reason has been inserted into this conversation. And, by the way, let me tell you, you looked real scared of the police in that video. A lot of these idiots definitely look fearful of the police. That's why they're yelling, combative, and so uncopperative right from the get go. Those are definitely actions of someone who is fearful of their life. That's what you do when you're scared, don't cooperate, immediately escalate the situation and do nothing the officer says. So I'm not sure what the story is here. It seems she gave them more than enough reason to arrest her, she made a simple traffic stop a huge ordeal, and then killed herself. Boo...*****...hoo.

This last guy in Milwaukee. Wtf? Another criminal. Pointed his gun at a cop. A black cop. Was justly fired upon. What the hell is the problem here? What should have the cop done? What does this have to do with trying to legitimize a cause. Not only should this piece of shit been shot, good ***** riddance.

400 million people and these are some of the best you got? You can't come up with better examples than these? The worst example I've seen is Ray Tensing and that guy was almost immediately charged with murder.

The whole thing is a joke. The media has continued to fan the flames and advance this story. People too stupid to actually look at the facts, and too eager to adopt a cause, have rallied behind an organization that only makes their cause look worse. The interruptions at rallies, the blocking of traffic, none of it helps your cause.

The fact there are some bad police. You take 900,000 people doing anything and you're going to find a wind array of individuals. Good, bad and everything in between. The way this entire situation has been portrayed is completely overblown and has only made things worse.

I could keep going and going, and I'm not even sure I made any point other than that I absolutely hate where everything is headed. It's division created by a lot of misinformation and outright lies, only perpetuated by idiots like Colin Kaepernick. Go ahead and hold up Mike Brown as a martyr. Pretend like crime isn't a huge issue in the black community, where it's glorified in pop culture. Continue doing things like disrespecting police officers and only making an alright tense situation even worse and calling for outright violence again those who are there to protect.

And now, on top of that, shit all over the flag and the military. And do it at a football game no less. Because that's what we all want out of our sports, politic statements. You get paid millions of dollars to play a game. No one wants to hear your opinion on some already beaten to death, bullshit cause. You sir, are a ***** clown. I want to hear Colin Kaerpnick's thoughts on race relations like I wanted to hear Ja Rules thoughts on 911. Hilarious

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RE: Boomer Esiason tellin' it like it is - Wes Mantooth - 08-31-2016, 12:46 PM

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