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Worst thing Hillary ever did, and how it will hurt our nation if she is elected
I'll go ahead and ignore the emails and the pay-for-access/pay-for-job ordeal for now...

#1: She's married to a disbarred lawyer/impeached President/alleged mass sexual offender. Would you want Bill Cosby to be your First Man? What about Bill Cosby who also was already kicked out of both the legal and political professions? (Is it First Man? No idea.)

#2: They received large amounts of money to build in Haiti, built nothing but did feel free to get Haiti gold mining rights to Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham. (Just look up "Haitians protesting Clinton" to see their opinion on how she did.)

#3: Probably the most important would be the primaries... When Clinton ran in 2008, Debbie Schultz was Clinton's campaign co-chair. When Clinton lost, Debbie Schultz later became the head of the DNC. Who was the previous head of the DNC that Debbie Schultz replaced? TIM KAINE, Clinton's VP pick. So she loses in 2008, gets her own person installed to be the head of the DNC, that person abuses the DNC powers to heavily favor Clinton's campaign over Sanders, leading Clinton to become the nominee. When she gets outed and has to resign from the DNC, she gets a job with Clinton's campaign in less than 24 hours, and Tim Kaine picks up a VP nomination for stepping out of the way for Schultz. I am not a big conspiracy guy, but damn if that doesn't smell to high heaven.

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I hate both candidates and think it's ridiculous that for a country of 320+ million people, this is apparently all we can get.

I will probably vote for Gary Johnson, but if it looks like it's really close in favor of Clinton, I might grit my teeth and vote for Trump for one simple reason....

A US President can't do everything alone. They need support from the other parts of the government to get most things done. I don't think Trump will have that support, so I think the damage he can do in office is minimal compared to Clinton who will most likely be able to get that support from the government, thus able to do a lot more damage to the country.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Worst thing Hillary ever did, and how it will hurt our nation if she is elected - TheLeonardLeap - 08-31-2016, 05:02 PM

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