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What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting?
(08-26-2016, 12:51 AM)djam Wrote: I never said they dont choose to charge that much did I? What I'm saying is that the entire pharm industry owns a lot of our politicians, democrats and republicans alike. Drug

companies have done A LOT of unethical things

-not just pricing, but they, for some odd reason, are protected from harm. Do you agree with that or no? Assuming you do, who protects and covers their scams? Lawmakers do --you know, politicians. Do you think these same lawmakers would lie to you to get you to believe what they are saying? They do is most of the time. There is a money racketing scheme going on and the American tax payers are fully funding it. Its why a vote for Bernie would be so dangerous. To submit MORE power to government, the same folks who have been taking payoffs to protect scammers of the American people for decades? Brilliant lol. Bernie does see a lot of the scandals and he has called them out, but his solution will only breed more of it, not less. 

Yes, they have done "a lot" of unethical things.  Thanks for unwittingly admitting it is true.  However, unethical behavior isn't limited to just drug companies.  The entire reason companies outsource jobs overseas is because they don't want to pay a decent wage and then call it "globalization."  Companies choosing to charge exhorbitant prices is a part of capitalism.  Companies attempting to control the markets is a part of capitalism.  The only one trying to deceive anyone here is you with your capitalist utopian bullshit that companies want free markets and are looking out for our best interests.  Such as companies like the National Football League who put the XFL out of business so the could control the market and settled out of court for almost $1,000,000,000.00 so they wouldn't have to admit what they knew about head injuries or when they knew it because they were looking out for their own self interests, not their employee's interests.  As far as conservative fluffers go, this is one of the more pathetic jobs I have seen.  Although I give you credit for being long winded.

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RE: What Percentage of BLM Protestors Know What They're Protesting? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-01-2016, 10:03 AM

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