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Does the backup QB really matter?
(09-01-2016, 08:13 AM)Bengals_Legendary Wrote: I've been thinking about this over the past few days, and I've come to realize... what does it matter who the backup QB is? I'm being totally serious.

It's always, "If _________ goes down, we will need ___________!"

Will we though? Does it really matter? For what reason?

If your primary QB goes down with injury, the season is likely screwed.

That's just the bottom line. It doesn't matter if it's's not Dalton.

This doesn't necessarily refer to just the's everybody, the entire NFL.

If you HAVE to rely on your backup, you will not win the Super Bowl.

Sure, McCarron (and others) will do enough to get you into the playoffs...but that's it.

I just don't understand the thinking:

1) Your great backup gets you to the playoffs where you lose first round (bad draft pick) or...

2) Your average backup gets you nowhere and you get a decent or great draft pick.

My point is...a McCarron isn't going to beat a Brady in a Super Bowl, so who cares who's #2?
I like a good back-up QB....I have seen back- up QB's win the Super Bowl.....Some of the best NFL teams I've ever seen were 2 or maybe 3 deep at QB.  Johnny Unitas and Earl Morrall...Daryl Lamonica, Ken Stabler, George Blanda.....Bob Griese, Earl Morrall.....There are many other good back-up QB teams in NFL history...Doug Williams was Super Bowl MVP as a veteran back-up QB.....Dalton getting injured last season shows injuries happen. McCarron threw what should have been the first play-off game winning TD for Bengals since 1990 season and he wasn't the RB that fumbles or Bufict and Jones who on defense gave Steelers 30 free penalty yards to kick the field goal.

Now if some team offers Bengals a #1 pick or some thing wild like that for McCarron, you have to consider it since he was not a top draft pick....Otherwise McCarron is very good and if Dalton would get injured, McCarron could come in and keep Bengals winning. You forget McCarron was pretty much a rookie last year due to his injuries the year before.  When Dalton got injured, McCarron was a rookie playing his first NFL games ever as far as I'm concerned. If needed this year, he will have those games under his belt.  College is nothing compared to the NFL....I repeat, college is nothing compared to the NFL.....I repeat again, college is nothing compared to the NFL....McCarron having NFL game experience now is huge. 

The talent drop off behind McCarron is huge......Unless an NFL team offers Bengals a #1 pick, which could happen, some teams really want McCarron....unless some team offers something you can't turn down, McCarrons value to the 2016 Bengals is greater than you comprehend.  Just because you do not see the importance of a solid back-up QB, that doesn't change how good it is to have McCarron on this team. 

The Bengals who started great in 2015 blew their window of opportunity. The window of opportunity may still be open in 2016 for Bengals to go Super Bowl, but its time for the Bengals to win before they have to go into rebuilding mode. McCarron gives Bengals a good safety net in case any injuries to Dalton. The Bengals really have to be thinking in terms of NOW, and now YEARS DOWN THE ROAD. I still don't believe Hill, Burfict and Jones imploded like that and gave the game away. The Play-Off win drought should have ended in January. They really imploded and gave that game away. They should put everything into winning NOW, THIS YEAR.
1968 Bengal Fan

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RE: Does the backup QB really matter? - kevin - 09-02-2016, 05:57 AM

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