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POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President
(09-07-2016, 11:32 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Rep.

I wonder what he would say about Obama if he suddenly started having hundreds of U.S. citizens killed just because he claimed they were drug dealers.  Something tells me Mike M would not be pleased with this type behavior.

-Instead he just orders drone strikes on US citizens because he claimed they were terrorists. Or just didn't know they were there. (No trials there. Not saying that they were all good people, but wasn't your point that it didn't matter? They needed trials to prove guilt in a court.)

-Or he just loses track of large quantities of weapons that land in the hands of Mexican Cartels who use them to murder civilians.

-Or distributing child pornography in order to catch pedophiles.

Not even touching on how many people have died/become homeless/become refugees due to the US intervening in Syria.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm not saying I fully agree with the current ongoings in the Philippines (that President is probably F'ing insane), but there is the whole saying about throwing stones in a glass house. We're not exactly killing it over here in the US, and if some other country's leader said he was going to come over and give us a stern talking to in order for us to change our ways, we'd probably tell them to go F themselves, too. Let alone if that leader was also the perpetrator of some pretty terrible things themselves.

It's also hard to imagine what it's like over there. Would we treat our laws/justice different if our entire country was just one big Chicago? If the Heroin epidemic that's sweeping Ohio and Kentucky was throughout our entire country? Probably. A legal recourse to fixing things only works if the government isn't run by the criminals/the criminals' money.

Ask Mexico (and their 100-ish dead elected officials and 100,000+ dead or missing civilians) how that's worked out for them in the last decade.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - TheLeonardLeap - 09-07-2016, 03:25 PM

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