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POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President
Quote:Obama, Duterte Meet Despite Philippine Leader's Crude Outburst

VIENTIANE, Laos — President Barack Obama and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte met informally on Wednesday in a holding room before attending a gala dinner at a regional summit, Philippine officials said.

The brief meeting took a little sting out of the soured relations caused by Duterte's intemperate language in referring to Obama earlier this week. That had caused Obama to cancel a formal meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

There was no immediate confirmation from the White House.

Philippine Foreign Secretary Pefecto Yasay told The Associated Press that the leaders interacted.

"They met at the holding room and they were the last persons to leave the holding room," Yasay said. "I can't say how long they met. It all springs from the fact the relationship between the Philippines and the United States is firm, very strong. The basis for this relationship is historical and both leaders realize this. And I'm very happy that it happened."
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RE: POTUS cancels meeting with Phillippine President - GMDino - 09-08-2016, 11:27 AM

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