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I'm so ***** sick of Boomer Esiason
(09-07-2016, 03:14 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: And Wilcox's position makes no sense.  For a number of reasons:

1.) The difference between the Steelers and Ravens, vs the Bengals is that those team won.  Not only won, but won big.  We're talking Superbowls, rings, trophies, parades, etc.  They won the whole freaking thing, many of those involved multiple times.  And even when they weren't accomplishing being the very best team in football, they were often advancing further than we have.

The reality is, winning cures a lot of ails.  Namely, people will forget or forgive more in a game or a season that results in victory vs defeat.  Teh Bengals play, while probably no more dirty than that of these peers, is going to draw more attention to itself than it would had it not resulted in a complete implosion.

Not only did they commit a terrible foul, they committed two in a row.  This after they prematurely celebrated a victory by running into the tunnel.  They completely imploded.  They looked foolish in their behavior.

It should not hard to understand that committing back to back personal fouls that cost you the game looks worse than committing a random personal foul in a win.

2.) Forget wins and losses, let's talk about the integrity of the game, sportsmanship, and all that...

The fact of the matter is, in 2016 there is bigger emphasis on any type of hit that is to the head.  Period.  Forget the team the Bengals, or the Steelers, or the Ravens or whoever.  Forget whether the team won, lost, or tied.  Even forget when the penalty occurred. 

A player making a questionable hit in 2015 is going to be a bigger talking point than a player making the same hit in 2005.  Period.  End of story.  It has nothing to do with the players or teams.  Any hit to the head is a bigger deal now than then.  When Junior Seau  offs himself, and you hear the stories of guys like Jim McMahon, you see movies like Concussion and you know what you know now, you're going to notice hits like that more.

Wilcotts can gripe all he wants.  This team cost themselves a game in an embarrassing fashion, and featured a hit that draws more scrunity now than in 2005.  Ray Lewis and James Harrison played for better teams, didn't cost their teams games, and were at the peak of their careers 10 years ago.  The sport has changed. 

Like I said, not that hard to understand.

Listen, I don't think anyone is saying the Bengals didn't do some stupid shit to blow that game at the end. Burfict running into the tunnel was comical, as Pittsburgh had plenty of time on the clock to come back and win the thing. We quite simply looked like we weren't ready to end the playoff drought. We "over-celebrated" in a way. 

But this thread is about Boomer and his position on the national stage. If Boomer really supports the Bengals, and isn't just giving lip service to a team that he secretly despises due to long-standing grudges and issues with the Brown family, then he needs to suck it up, and play the homer every once in awhile.

I have seen him commend the team when we were playing well the past couple of years. That's not what I'm talking about.

There seems to be this issue with a certain segment of the Bengals fan population: Some of you are so traumatized by the way this organization WAS that you can't look at it for what it IS.

Playoff success notwithstanding, this has been one of the best teams in the NFL in the past 5 or 6 years.

That playoff game was bogus. Any "fan" attempting to write it off as another "same ole' Bungles" isn't really a fan if you ask me. Sometimes (especially if you have a national audience), you have to support your team when shit gets rough, even if they're not totally in the right. I agree that the Bengals had a hand in imploding during that playoff game. But I also acknowledge that the Pittsburgh Steelers have a history of bending the rules and playing dirty, particularly against our team (the Huber hit, the Rivers hit, etc). Eventually, the picked on kid was GOING to hit back. It was simply a matter of time. To blame the kid for retaliating simply doesn't give due credit to the deterministic nature of things in this world. 

Pittsburgh gets away with this shit because of their fanbase. In fact, they're ENCOURAGED to do it because deep down, everybody knows that a "hard hitting" Steelers football team is good for publicity.

A hard-hitting Bengals team isn't. Not yet at least. I can't see how anybody not acknowledging that can call themselves a Bengals fan.
Formerly w8ing 4 '08
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RE: I'm so ***** sick of Boomer Esiason - PlayerFormerlyKnownAsMousecop - 09-08-2016, 06:43 PM

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