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Dallas Morning News Endorses Clinton
The Clintons and the Bushes make Watergate look like jay walking.  

If Clinton is elected I fear the country will continue on its path toward becoming  a 3rd world country. Our country is in serious trouble and more of the same will insure its demise.

Clinton and her "handlers" manipulate the people through clever division. (racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and any other phobia they want to make up.)

They don't give a crap about any of it. It's all about getting votes, buying votes and staying in power so they can squeeze every penny out of everybody that is not them.

The Republicans are no better. They are part of the same crowd. Get it. Us vs Them.

It's all about money and power and controling the little people. All the crap that they have us going at each other about is how they control us and manipulate the masses.

The question that I would like answered is Trump part of it? Is he their next act? Very well could be. I don't know.

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RE: Dallas Morning News Endorses Clinton - tigerseye - 09-11-2016, 09:24 AM

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