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Andy Dalton and the QBR Floor Theory
I've never really understood the need for some to tear down other QB's. I mean, I'm sorry, it seems some go out of their way to diminish the accomplishments of other quarterbacks. Coincidentally, many of these people happen to be Andy's biggest supporters, and the QB's in question tend be his peers, both in age, and in that they're in that big group of QB's that fall outside the top 5.

Could it be that some feel the need to diminish these accomplishments to lift up the perception of our QB? Perhaps they do it to convince themselves? Because I don't really see any reason to debate the idea that Russel Wilson is a good QB, unless you're doing it with some agenda that is Andy driven. Why? Because it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Many of these same people love to throw out Andy's win totals when debating his worth. Yet this category, when evaluating a player who plays the same position, seems to be thrown out the window. Not only does Russell Wilson win, he wins more. Not only does he win the regular season, he wins in the postseason. For evidence looking no further than that big Superbowl ring on his finger. So if you truly value wins, and the ability of a QB to lead a team, then you need to apply this value across the board. It's simply not fair to pick and choose stats and apply a different criteria to fit your narrative. If Andy's W/L numbers matter then so do Wilson's. Period.

I also have to ask why we don't see the devaluing and debate of other positions. How many times do we see people debating Dez Bryant's situation or what Julio Jones has to work with? A.) Almost never. I see these same players used as examples of why other QB's have it easier. Yet I never see people elevating AJ, while trying to diminish Bryant by bringing up the fact that Romo is better than Dalton, that Witten is better than Gresham, that they have a better running game, etc. Basically, that Bryant has more around him to boost his numbers.

In fact, I actually see people go out of their way to diminish AJ's accomplishments. I've seen numerous people try to make the argument that AJ isn't elite. I've seen people try to do everything they can to say that Julio Jones has been better, despite evidence to the contrary. Basically the exact opposite of Dalton.

QB position - tear others down. WR position - Build others up.

Now why would that be? Wouldn't logic dictate that if there was a Bengals or homers bias that it would be a applied to other positions. That you would see a bias with not only our QB but our WR? But you don't. It's because it's an Andy bias. Tearing down our own WR or building up other WR's is done to make Andy look better, or to devalue the weaponry he has. Making AJ look worse means Andy has less to work with.

It's all pretty obvious. Those who can't admit that Russell Wilson is both, much better than Andy, and belonging in the 5-10 range of QB's have an agenda. An Andy agenda. Look at their post history, it's all right there.

I think they try to convince themselves more than anyone. The QB spot is so important and is the face of the team. I think by tearing down others they're trying to convince themselves that Andy is somehow better than he is. I've never seen more excuses and uneven analysis surrounding a player than I have with Andy. And the fact we're now debating if Russell Wilson deserves the credit and labels often applied to him, after back to back Superbowls, a ring, a 98 career QB rating, and leading the NFL in rushing, only reinforces this further.

No one can be so stupid as to claim Wilson belongs outside the top 10 in current QB value. Those that do have a strange need to tear down Andy's peers. End of story...

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RE: Andy Dalton and the QBR Floor Theory - Wes Mantooth - 07-07-2015, 02:30 PM

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