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The Justices spar over the constitutionality of the death penalty
(07-07-2015, 07:34 PM)fredtoast Wrote: A 6 week old fetus can not survive outside the womb EVEN WITH ASSISTANCE.  

It is POSSIBLE for a newborn to live outside the womb.  It is IMPOSSIBLE for a fetus.

It is very disingenuous of you to act like you can not see the difference between "possible" and "impossible", but that just shows what silly lengths some people will go to try and act self-righteous. 

'Self righteous' is a bull shit claim. Where have i spoken out against abortion or anyone's right? And i'll ask again. What kind of right-minded person takes a 6 week old fetus out of a womb as if it's even an option? No one. 

I'll make the point again since people seem to keep allowing their knee-jerk response against something they perceive as a disagreement to cloud their judgement/reaction.

No one believes a 6 week old fetus is a viable human outside the womb. Claiming, it's ok to abort at this time because it's not yet a viable being, is lameass BS. It's excuses. It's rationalization and it's bunk. Once an egg is fertilized it becomes something on the way to becoming a human being. Lack of TIME is the only thing that keeps it from becoming one in the case of abortion. Saying it's not i viable being to justify ending its life is BS. Just set the line and be done with it. Stop trying to dress it up all purdy.

Here's something for all you parents out there. Most of us know what a 1st and 2nd trimester fetus looks like and we know what a 3rd trimester baby looks like. Next time you look at one of your kids, imagine back to when the missus was pregnant. Imagine making the decision late 1st, early 2nd trimester to abort. Imagine some doctor pulling pieces of your kid out of your missus. No big deal right? They weren't really human beings at that time. 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

"The measure of a man's intelligence can be seen in the length of his argument."

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RE: The Justices spar over the constitutionality of the death penalty - rfaulk34 - 07-07-2015, 09:17 PM

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