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National disgrace and international pariah
Somewhere in another thread a posted said Clinton's "thin skin" and narcissistic tendencies would be bad for her.  I contended that Trump is much worse.

Given what Powell said about both guess who responded better?

Quote: Wrote:Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump responded to Colin Powell calling him “a national disgrace” early Thursday, tweeting he was “never a fan” of the former secretary of State and retired four-star general.

Powell also called Trump an "international pariah," in personal emails that were leaked by hackers, according to BuzzFeed and The Daily Caller.

In response to Powell's disdain, Trump tweeted: “I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq = disaster. We can do much better!”

Quote: Wrote:[/url]

[Image: DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg]Donald J. Trump 

I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq = disaster. We can do much better!
11:59 PM - 14 Sep 2016

Quote: Wrote:Clinton offers Powell 'sympathy' after email hack

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Hillary Clinton is keeping quiet about the contents of newly leaked messages from the personal email account of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had harsh criticisms of the Democratic nominee, the former Bush administration, and Donald Trump.
"I'm not going to comment on anything that is said in a private email," Clinton told the The Tom Joyner Radio Show in an interview taped Wednesday and aired Thursday morning.
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Clinton, whose emails from the State Department were released after it was revealed that she used a private email server during her tenure, said she has "a great deal of respect for Colin Powell, and I have a lot of sympathy for anyone whose emails become public."
"I’m not going to start discussing someone else’s private emails. I’ve already spent a lot of time talking about my own, as you know," she told CNN anchor Don Lemon. "What I think is really important about the emails is the chilling fact, Don, that the Russians are continuing to attempt to interfere in our election. And I have to say I’m increasingly concerned by how we’ve seen Donald Trump’s alarming closeness with the Kremlin become more and more clear over the course of this campaign. It’s deeply concerning."

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RE: National disgrace and international pariah - GMDino - 09-15-2016, 02:16 PM

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