Poll: Do You Relate to the "Confederate Flag?"
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Do You Relate to "Confederate Flag"?
(07-08-2015, 08:52 PM)Devils Advocate Wrote: The Emacipation Proclamation was a war measure submitted three years after the start of the CW.

And it wasn't until after the war that slavery was banned via the 14th amendment.

"I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Lincoln's First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.

" My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln

Britain was getting cotton on the cheap from the South, which possessed more harbors than the North. The federal govt didn't collect income taxes at the time and relied mostly on tariffs, which the South were circumventing. im sure if you put down your ( Federal ) govt issued history book, you may find there's more to the CW than slavery. And by no means do I dare understate the role slavery played. I'm simply trying to amplify the causes in their entirety. Reducing the war to slavery is simply innacurate.

DA, you're not telling anyone here something they didn't know with this post.  We all know the war was not strictly about slavery.  It was about state versus federal government dominance, hence the fact that the south formed a confederacy when they betrayed the, federal, United States.  However, paramount amongst the topics causing this dispute was slavery.  So, was it the only issue at hand, no, but it was chief amongst them and stating otherwise is false.

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RE: Do You Relate to "Confederate Flag"? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-08-2015, 09:03 PM

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