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I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People"
(09-26-2016, 01:52 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I never changed the subject.  I was just pointing out that you really have no basis to pull your victim card and get all upset over "grouping" when all races do it about all other races.

But since apparently you don't really want to talk about grouping, but instead just talk about the blame for slavery I will try to give you the "different perspective" that you claimed you wanted to hear.  Slavery did not just benefit the white slave owners.  Agricultural exports were a huge part of the nations economy for a long period of time and he entire United States benefited from the economic advantages of slavery.  The profits from slavery built a nation that was exclusively controlled by white people for hundreds of years.  So basically all white people benefited from slavery.  It took almost 200 years for blacks to receive protection from the Civil Rights Act and the Voters Rights Act.  You perents were born into a country that still oppressed bvlack people.  That advantage does not just disappear in one generation.  So while slavery has been gone for a long time the inequality and lingering effects that it created have not

I pulled this, copied and pasted, exactly from the OP.  Sorry I would have used the quote function but I'm not actually sure how to insert a quote into a reply of another quote.

Now, I understand there is this whole other discussion about "white privilege", which is a completely different animal.  And I can sympathize with some of it, but much of it I think is greatly overstated, specially in regards to the economic advantage.  But I digress.  I do understand that is a different debate.

I think it's pretty clear.  I understand there is a whole other debate in regards to the subject of "white privilege".  I do. And I would be happy to give you some of my thoughts on it if you would like.  But you are changing the subject.  Either you didn't read my entire post, you didn't understand it, or you're choosing to change the subject.  Take your pick.

There are a lot of people, and they have been a lot of instances, where white people are all grouped together in terms of relation to slavery.  I don't think anyone can I argue that.  But you're more than welcome to if you like.  This entire thread has been about how untrue and unfair that generalization is.

And fwiw, the woman who sparked me to start this conversation later went to make statements that (paraphrased) "Your people committed genocide on the Native Americans".

Again, ignorant.  Just because some "white people" owned slaves, and some "white people" killed countless Native Americans, does not mean that all white people descend from said people.  A "white" immigrant, who made is way to Ellis Island in the early 1900's has as much to do with slavery and Native American's as a Muslim or Cuban refugee does today.  None.  The only difference is the share the same skin color as those people.  Hell, they don't even share the same nationality.

How can someone preach about things like profiling and racism when they lump an entire group of people based only on skin color?  Many white American's people have as much hand in either of these atrocities as the woman who is referencing these events' people.

My people did jack shit in regards to slavery.  You want to talk about how they benefit from it, that's fine, we can do that. And they probably never even saw a Native American.  These are facts for most white Americans.  Yet it seems largely ignored by people hell bent on creating division.

Like I said, if you want to talk white privilege, I'd be happy to give you my thoughts.  Just keep in mind that is entirely different debate.  

Messages In This Thread
RE: I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People" - Wes Mantooth - 09-26-2016, 03:32 PM

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