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I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People"
(09-26-2016, 03:55 PM)fredtoast Wrote: 1.) What you are trying to do is take a large complicated issue and make a big deal out of a very small part of it.

2.) It doesn't matter to most black people that only a very small percentage of white people are descendants from slave owners when the entire nation of white people benefited from slavery.  The argument is not just based on individual slave owners, but the fact that the development of the entire nation was tied to slave labor.

3.) So if you want to claim a victory on one very small technical aspect of the issue you can.  But most people are more concerned about the big picture and the major issues that have to be resolved.  Sorry that I offended you so much by adding the proper context to your argument.  

1.) No, I'm having trying to have a conversation that was sparked by a number of specific quotes and statements.  That being that is unfair to assume that just because somewhat is white that their ancestors participated in slavery and/or the genocide of Native Americans.

Saying "Your ancestors enslaved my people"  and "White people benefited from slavery" are two entirely different statements.  Saying "Your ancestors murdered Native Americans" and "Some white people, who were from another country and another time, murdered Native Americans" are completely different accusations.

And the point that we really should all be looking at is that regardless of who your ancestors are, you are not them.  Every person is born in this world with a clean slate, knowing nothing about the world, and having done nothing themselves.  A white black, brown baby born in 1980 is as responsible for what occurred centuries prior as my dog is to what Adolph Hitler did.  So it sad that we're not spending more time judging people for their own actions, rather than centuries old perceptions.

When I get home tonight I will take some time to touch on white privilege.  I feel that given the sensitive nature of the subject matter I should at least try to touch on it.  And you're right, it is a very complicated issue.  One that tends overlap over a number of talking points.

2.) This country simply wouldn't exist without what occurred in regards to Native Americans.  And yes, a lot of monetary benefits came with slavery too.  I'm not sure anyone could argue that American would be the same without either of these events.  And despite the ugliness of much of what surrounds both topics, many people today benefit from their occurrence.

I guess I would ask this though.  Couldn't you make the argument that there is a built in privilege we all share as Americans because of these events?  Before you answer, let me say that I understand that some may benefit more or less.  But isn't there an inherit privilege just for residing in this country, in this time?

Like it or not, if there was influx in money because of slavery, one of which is still felt today, everyone citizen benefits from it.  America is what it is, and it got there how it got there, that is an life's worth of conversation.  But in these time, today, we ALL reap some of the benefits.  There's a reason that even our most poor are sometimes obese, and many enjoy things like cars, cell phones, laptops, cable, high def TV's.  Our nation's poor live a lifestyle that many would literally kill for.  And some don't even lift a finger to earn it. The monetary benefits, on some level, are shared by every single person in this country. The roads, the libraries, the parks, countless resources, etc.

There is an American privilege that is all too often ignored.  You can be black and still benefit from these events.  And they do.  We all do.

3.) Not trying to win anything, just trying explain myself and have a conversation.  If I feel I'm being misquoted or misrepresented I will do my best to better explain myself.  Simple as that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People" - Wes Mantooth - 09-26-2016, 04:27 PM

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