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Today in "I Can't Believe I just Saw That"....
(09-27-2016, 12:52 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: wes, didnt you post about kids walking around listening to music on their phones recently?  this had to have you at your boiling point.

i was told to calm down in the self service line the other day when i asked a guy if he was going to wait in line like everyone else.  something about grocery stores has me on high alert.

I did.  I always shake my head when someone is standing in line, or in the library, or the post office, or wherever, just listening to their music.  The best are the people who you see walking down the street and it looks like they're making a music video.  Just rapping at the top of the lungs, walking by people, not caring at all who they're bothering.

In this case I couldn't even get mad.  Dumbfounded would be a more accurate to description to describe by reaction.  It's my nature to try to understand or make sense of things and in this case I couldn't even attempt to that.  Is he doing it to purposely antagonize people, is he maybe mentally handicapped, is it for attention, etc?  I can't make any sense of it anymore other than to say some people are living on completely different planets than the one I'm on.  Their reality is something I can even begin to understand.

How the hell do you cut in front of someone and then tell them to calm down when calling you out for it?  What a piece of human garbage.  Literal trash.

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RE: Today in "I Can't Believe I just Saw That".... - Wes Mantooth - 09-27-2016, 04:21 PM

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