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I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People"
You know, the fact we've all spent this much time on this shows just convoluted and stupid it can get (not the subject matter or the points made, just the sheer volume of definition.

It really should be this simple: No one today, on this planet, is responsible for anyone's actions that lived prior to them. I can't control or change anything anyone did before I was born. It doesn't matter if it was the year before I was born, or 1,000 years ago. I did nothing, influenced nothing, controlled nothing, and was aware of absolutely nothing. The same goes for me, you and everybody.

I also have very little control or influence on what happens today outside of my own actions and the effects of my actions. Again, same goes for me, you and everybody.

Just from these two simple, yet obvious statements you should be able to surmise one key thing. The best way to judge someone, or gauge their responsibility for something, is by their own actions. You really can't judge anyone for something they didn't do, or they didn't affect.

So if I didn't do it, if I can't control it, if no one from my family did it, you're really reaching for to take more responsibility for it. I don't have to approach it with any different view than a Muslim, or Puerto Rican, or Budhist Monk. I'm an outsider, as much any other outsider. The only reason you could call for anything differently is because some people share the same skin color. That is the definition of racism.

And I mean, then of course you're going to tell me this all about white privilege even though the woman that sparked the thread clearly accused a random strange of having slave owner ancestors and ancestors who murdered Indians.

I think many don't consider the fact that while some white's were granted numerous privileges throughout history, not all whites were. Some may have monetarily benefited the family for generations, allowing for all sorts of advantages. No doubt, that's a privilege and they are white. But that's different than saying all whites have an inherit economic advantage. The legacy families, the Andy Bernard's of the world, yeah. They were born into some privilege. And some of that was a direct result of slavery, either by being a slave owner, descending from them, or just being here whe it influences the economy.

But a lot of white people weren't born into money, or automatic acceptances in Ivy League schools. They're not gifted a company or used nepotism to fast track their way to a cushy job. Plenty are born poor, and plenty have earned every single thing they have. Some against all odds.

To imply they benefit from white privilege is unfair and incredibly dismissive of their efforts. It's stupid. If there is no actual monetary gain, or advantage then what are they any more privileged about. Are you telling me some white kids don't go to some bad schools just like some black kids go to bad schools? Are you telling me, in today's world, all whites actually have an easier time getting into a University, or into a job or program? Today? In 2016?

Wheres the advantage? Where's this privilege for all? Are we talking about something outside of economics, and education? Perhaps social privileges? You may have some points there. And it can make for good discussion. But look how long I've spent just trying to say that: Hey, I wasn't part of it, a lot of whites weren't part of it. My family wasn't and others' families weren't either. I wasn't born into money, a lot of whites weren't born into money. I wasn't gifted a job, a lot of whites weren't gifted a job. Plenty of white people have access to equal or lesser schooling than plenty minorities. It spans across the races."

This idea of white privilege is so overstated and such a waste of time. The fact of the matter is, the more we all talk about race the more racist we all get. Everyone. You can't get over the differences in people if you won't stop talking about the differences in people. Judge people on their own actions and character. THE END.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I Would Like to Talk (Civilly) About the Generalization of "White People" - Wes Mantooth - 09-28-2016, 03:20 PM

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