Poll: Should our Network News stop acting like tabloid TV, and go back to presenting "hard news"?
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Does "big media" pick the wrong focus?
Is Big Media so in bed with Big Government and Big Business, that they have completely lost focus on what events and items are to be deemed "newsworthy"?  I'm not even talking about telling the story from one political viewpoint, or the other.  I'm talking about flat-out ignoring real events of relevance to ALL Americans, rather than getting all caught up in whatever petty "social outrage" of the week.

I'm pretty sure that most around here already know my position on the matter.  But, just to refresh;  I feel that ANY National News Affiliate has a responsibility to present hard news that effects all or most Americans first, any human interest and social squabbling is secondary.

The author of this article points that out, using the latest outcry over the Confederate Flag, in relation to the Dylan Roof killings, as a prime example.


Quote:On April 11 Dylann Roof was allowed to purchase the .45-caliber handgun he would use in June to murder nine innocent people in a Charleston, South Carolina, church. That Roof should not have been able to purchase this gun is not up for debate. Due to a March drug arrest, it was illegal for Roof to own a gun. Moreover, no one, including the NRA, believes that someone who has been convicted of a felony or who is facing a felony charge should be allowed to purchase a firearm.

In other words, this is the kind of gun control all of America agrees on.

Quote:The Feds screwed up, plain and simple, and did so at the most important job they have: keeping us safe by keeping firearms out of the hands of Dylann Roofs.

Without question, a devastating national tragedy that might have been avoided falls on the F.B.I. Sure, Roof might have been able to get an illegal gun elsewhere. What we do know is how he did get the gun that allowed him to commit this unspeakable crime.
So where the hell was our media?
Quote:Currently, by a  wide margin, there are more so-called journalists in Washington DC than ever before. Thousands of them — thousands of left-wing, hot-taking, mainstream media sheep with monstrous budgets and the kind of resources those of us in New Media can still only dream of.  But because they are too busy using these resources to create a giant propaganda machine that shapes the outcomes of legislation and elections, no one is watch-dogging the federal government.

I used to think that Fox News was a good alternative.  But now, I just see them as another perspective of the same crap.  They have their heads so far up the asses of the RINOs, that they are even ignoring what is really important, in favor of "ratings".
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23

Messages In This Thread
Does "big media" pick the wrong focus? - SunsetBengal - 07-11-2015, 04:24 PM

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