Poll: Should our Network News stop acting like tabloid TV, and go back to presenting "hard news"?
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Does "big media" pick the wrong focus?
(07-11-2015, 07:12 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Where has the editorial integrity went?

Blame social media and blogs...they were stealing market share and the networks had to adapt or die.  The reason people don't hold the media accountable is because those are the same people that created the environment for "stories now, news/accuracy later (if ever)"

Basically, the networks all got into rumors and supposition when the people demonstrated that as newsworthy.

To answer your question....how he got the gun is/was covered and always is, but that's less interesting than latching on to anything scandalous, such as the Confederate flag. People like to be outraged, and it's just harder for many people to get fired-up over the system failing to allow this kid to buy a gun.

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RE: Does "big media" pick the wrong focus? - JustWinBaby - 07-11-2015, 07:40 PM

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